Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 23

Yoga, twice in 3 days, plus I have it again on Friday. I have to say it is not as bad I as first thought and the flexibility I am gaining is amazing. Yoga unlike the other P90 videos is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The others are just 60 minutes. Plus he throws in abs at the end, he wouldn't be Tony if he didn't.

Thad is already jacked up for day 30 pics. I cheated and posted a pic on my facebook after my yoga work out tonight. I was feeling pretty good. I have to admit I have been doing some extra flexing too :) Kenpo tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The legs and back workout still gets me and I've done it for almost 6 months now. I am always sore for a day or two but I guess that's a good thing. Are you a Beachbody Coach? I don't see anywhere on your site saying you are. To learn more go to You get discounts on the products and can even earn some money. I like doing it as it keeps me accountable to working out. Feel free to contact me about it. Stick with P90X. I went from doing 2 total pull ups with legs and back to 82 at the end of 90 days. Bring it!
